Love Between the Atoms 2015

A series of Drawings done for the Wasmuth Paintings , from found 19c early 20c photographs.

Love Between The Atoms

  • pencil
  • 2015
Detailed pencil drawing of a person's face, focusing on the eyes and nose, with a lace-adorned collar and a button detail.

Love Between the Atoms V

  • Pencil on paper
  • 2015
Detailed pencil sketch of a person's face with prominent eyes, unfinished hair outlines, and subtle facial features on a light background.

Love Between the Atoms VII

  • Pencil on paper
  • 2015
Detailed pencil sketch of a face, showcasing one eye, nose, and mouth with fine shading.

Love Between the Atoms VIII

  • Pencil on paper
  • 2015
Detailed pencil drawing of a person's face, capturing expressive eyes, a subtle smile, and ear contours.

Love Between the Atoms IX

  • Pencil on paper
  • 2015
Pencil drawing of a person's face, capturing intense eyes, subtle lips, and sleek hair.

Love Between the Atoms X

  • Pencil on paper
  • 2015
Detailed pencil portrait capturing deep-set eyes, defined lips, and wavy hair framing the face.

Love Between the Atoms XI

  • Pencil on paper
  • 2015
Pencil on paper drawing of  German woman's face from the 1940s not showing hair.

Love Between the Atoms XII

  • Pencil on paper
  • 2015
Detailed pencil sketch by Mark Alexander of a woman's face, emphasizing the eyes, lips, and wavy hair.

Love Between the Atoms XV

  • Pencil on paper
  • 2015
A detailed pencil sketch by Mark Alexander showing a close-up of a woman's face, focused on eyes and nose.

Love Between the Atoms XVII

  • Pencil on paper
  • 2015
Detailed pencil portrait by Mark Alexander, showcasing a person with deep-set eyes and stern expression.

Love Between the Atoms XIX

  • Pencil on paper
  • 2015
Pencil portrait by Mark Alexander, capturing a calm face with attentive eyes and soft shading.

Love Between the Atoms XX

  • Pencil on paper
  • 2015
Detailed pencil sketch of a contemplative face with piercing eyes and subtle shading by Mark Alexander.

Love Between The Atoms 111

  • pencil
  • 2015
Detailed pencil portrait of a serene face with intense eyes and soft shading by Mark Alexander.

Love Between The Atoms 1

  • pencil on paper
Detailed pencil sketch of a woman's partial face with expressive eyes and soft features.